Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 57 - San Rafael Part 2

Sorry for a second post. Still no  pictures this week :-(  But Sam's personal email to us this week contained some cool and some very raw moments of the life of a missionary that I felt like sharing with the world.  This is stuff our youth need to understand and learn about before they are a missionaries.  Hermana Foster is so amazing and learning a life time of things in these short 18 months.

This morning I read a talk from about changing. It talked about how we have so many goals at the beginning of the year to accomplish so much and then gave four steps to accomplishing those things. The first is to ask the Lord for help, He has the plan and knows what we need so asking him what we can improve on is best and is key. After that we need to remember to think small, remember that great things come to pass by the small and simple and after that we need to reflect every now and then on how we are doing and recommit to following. He talked about how he does this during the sacrament a time when he can ponder and renew covenants with Christ and after that is to always keep going. We haven't failed unless we stop trying.

We went finding today and it was more than interesting. We tried an apartment complex that our zone leaders said we should try and guess what was there? No Hispanics. None, nadie, nope. All white and Chinese and one Indian women who didn't speak English who called someone on the phone to translate back and forth. So that was fun. 

Elder Hall got a new missionary as well and couldnt be back to the area until around 7:30 so he asked us to go to the canal to see a potential. Now let me tell you about the canal, the canal is populated highly with everyone and their dogs and isn't the safest place around. However, they asked us to go at night and I wasn't super fond of that idea so we asked the zone leaders to go with us. So we partied and walked around the canal forever trying to find the address. We finally did and talked to their potential and then drove home super quick.

We visited a woman named Jennifer!!! It was so awesome we taught English and then she asked if she could make us some sandwiches which gave us an opportunity to transition into showing a video. We showed her the Easter video and talked about Christ, she talked about how she had been to churches before where she hadn't felt the peace from her church but that when she went to our church on Christmas she felt peace and then something different she hadn't felt before.

Yea basically those words are candy for missionaries and we took it and ran and asked if we could share the lessons, she so readily agreed and it was so exciting! As this was going on something awesome happened, I remembered my setting apart and how it said that people's ancestors and premortal children would be praying for me to find those that they need me to find. After that, all that came to my mind was "she has a baby, that baby is 8 months old, you have been a missionary for about 13 now." This moment was probably one of the coolest moments of my mission. I was amazed, so grateful, and SO happy to think that her 8 month old baby could have been praying for me before being born! The Lord answered prayers and lead us to Jennifer and hopefully I was able to help one of God’s children in such a way. 

Everyone has hard times and everyone gets over them and this might just be a time for me. Wednesday was a very hard day for me starting out but it all got better because of the enabling power of the atonement. Ready for this, yes well I asked to learn about the enabling power of the atonement. I did indeed so this time period is for me to learn.

I thought about how I really didn't feel motivation there was none, nothing at all and it was hard downright hard for a bit of time. But there was a decision point and that was language study I had to decide whether I was going to push past what I was feeling or if I was going to let it overtake me. I remembered what dad told me about taking things step by step so with that I went and did language study and told my Heavenly Father that I would check in again after that.

That was my point, we are told the power kicks in after we push past what we can do and language study was me pushing past. I said a prayer to begin and I just laid it out and said hey I can't do this right now without you so I need you and I began studying Spanish. I began, and like a staircase I made my way back up to where I needed to be and that lead to us going to Jennifer's and having that amazing time. So my prayer was indeed answered and if that isn't cool than I'm not sure what is. The Lord knows us and what we can and can't handle and He is there and will step in right when we need it.

I was handing out food at a foodbank and started talking to this man named Nicholas and he was surprised I spoke Spanish so I explained why and he was impressed and we shook hands and he stood out to me and that was all. Things continued on until I saw him sit down with his two little boys on the grass after the line and the spirit said ok go! It's time for you to talk to them and I said but whoa awkward and the spirit said ha I didn't ask for your opinion. So, I grabbed Hermana Mendez and we went and it was the smoothest contact I have had my entire mission! It went so well we just talked and got to know him and his cute boys and we exchanged information of course he also invited us to his church and his services but hey he doesn't know the power the priesthood holds. So whether or not that pans out it was so cool to see how the spirit guided and prepared and how He prompted that contact so of course he wouldn't let us fail.

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