Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 57 - San Rafael


Wow ok so today I'll just give a few points of some of the crazy things that happened this week. Overall know that the Lord loves each and every one of you and makes things happen every day to make sure you are ok. And know that in hard times the Lord is always standing shoulder to shoulder with you but that our purpose here is to grow and to be able to do that we must go through trials. 

  • We talked about how as missionaries we have really narrowed down our focus on what is important in this work with the broadcast from Salt Lake we watched last week. We discussed how this really is Christ saying to us hey my time to come is coming but for me to come this needs to happen so I now need you to focus everything on these simplified things.
  • We did so much finding and found a family that had 3 cats, 2 dogs, and a huge bird. 
  • We saw how much the Lord is aware of each of us as we were able to really talk with someone we had invited to help us with a lesson at the church after the lesson canceled. We felt terrible that someone had traveled to help us only to have it cancel but we found that our investigator wasn't the one that needed us that night. 
  • We meet with our investigator Jennifer who we are teaching English. We gave her a Book of Mormon and were really blessed to be able to see a light in her eyes as the spirit touched her. The gospel is so cool and it's amazing to be able to share it with someone. 
  • We saw miracles happen when on a really hard day for us when we said a prayer, read a scripture, and then just kept going. The Lord never wastes our efforts so he lead us to where we needed to be instead of where we thought we needed to be and picked us up after a really hard day. The spirit works wonders.
  • And then last but not least. I would ask you all to pray at this time for an elder that was released this past week from our mission. He was playing basketball and severely broke his femur bone which lead to surgery which lead to the doctors finding cancer in his leg. So in the next week or two he will be started chemotherapy. As you can imagine it's probably a hectic time for him and his family right now so please keep him in your prayers.

Well I hope my emails make some sense when I send them out, sometimes it's so hectic writing emails and I kinda fear they don't make sense but hey that's basically missionary life. So I hope you all enjoy and can kinda understand.

Know that I have a love and testimony for this church, I know it is the only true church, that the Book of Mormon is true and everybody and anyone can know of that if they would sincerely read and prayer about it. and that God loves us all more than we can fathom. I know that life is hard and things get tough but that is because God loves us and wants us to reach the potential He knows we have.

This week I will be focusing on following the promptings of the spirit, I do know that the spirit guides us daily and if we would listen to him and his counsel every time it comes we would be more than blessed. So try to keep yourself in an environment where the still small voice can whisper to you whenever he may need. I love you all and will leave off with a scripture Alma: 22:16, a prayer offered in faith and pleading is always heard and answered. 

Love ya!

Hermana Foster

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