Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 10 - Bennett Valley, Santa Rosa

Hola todas!

Esta semana fue loco pero muy divertido y espirtual! First off if you haven't seen the new Easter initiative video from the church you must go watch it right now! I believe it came out to the public yesterday and it is such an awesome video! I feel the spirit so much every time I watch it! Hallelujah!

Also fun fact of the week it is totally normal for turkeys to roam the streets here. So this week I have seen a large amount of turkeys...

This week has been full and busy but awesome! I got to sit in our recent converts garage while eating home made tres leche ice cream because his family needed to finish dinner.  The ice cream was probably one of the greatest things I've ever tasted.

I have definitely not in any way shape or form come to terms with seafood! We had seafood pasta and the shrimp in it was fine BUT seeing a small squid chilling on your plate doesn't make one jump for joy. I thought it was a mushroom and then I poked it and it’s LEGS popped out.  I took the squid and put it on Elder Alcivars plate when he wasn’t looking.

I've gotten to sing for people on multiple occasions and have felt the spirit tons. One of my favorite hymns is Come Come Ye Saints.  It has such power to it!

Here is my campion Hermana Burton and I singing I Need The Every Hour.  Hopefully she doesn't mind this being posted,

I also can't believe that this is the beginning of week 5 in the field! Crazy stuff!

On Wednesday we went tracting and we found two people to teach out of it! One guy named Christian watched a video about Christ with us and got our number and said he wants us to come back to teach him more after he talks to his mom! So that was super exciting we also found a family in the same neighborhood that said we could come back. AND I got my first door slammed in my face! Yay! It was an experience. Anyway things are going well and Spanish is mas o menos. It's coming along. I can understand more than I can speak now but I for sure can't understand everything.

Something that I do love and think is so amazing is the love I have for these people. I don't understand what they say but I can feel the love that God has for them as I talk and teach them and I gain so much love from them. I can't wait until I can completely understand them and talk to them and get to know them, and I can't wait to feel the increase in love I have for them when I can communicate more! But for now it is amazing to see the Lord helping me in so many things….constantly!

Our investigators that seem super interested, Yuri y Osbaldo, haven't been able to meet with us in two weeks. We keep having to reschedule lessons so if you could keep them in your prayer that would be brilliant! Pray that we can meet with them and that they can feel the spirit! They are such a cute family that I have so much love for so I hope we can continue with them!

Also this week we had an opportunity to do service! We got to help work a garage sale type thing. But a garage sale times 1000 just for baby stuff. The whole community donates things and then this company prices them all and sets them out in this huge building and then it's open to the community. I've never seen so many babies in one place.  Like children everywhere. It was awesome I talked to so many children that I could understand because either they were speaking English or talked Spanish really slow. Basically it was a great day. The company just told us different places to help clean during it all so it looked kind of organized.

On Saturday went to a park and planted trees! In the rain!!! Yep it's still raining it's been a solid two weeks now pero esta bien it made things quiet fun and muddy.

We also found a new investigator this week named Aurora! She is super cool and knows a ton about different Church's and was super excited and happy when she found out we were teaching about Jesus and believed the same things she believes! We taught her the restoration and it took us probably a good hour because she had so much to say about it. She also said yes to baptism if she finds its all true so hopefully we can set a date with her next week.  After the lesson she was so happy she asked us to come back and then she wanted to say a prayer for us!

Sebastian is doing good as well, we had to push his baptismal date back to April 1st because we need to teach him a couple more things before his baptism, but he is pumped to be baptized!

It's definitely rumored that David A. Bednar will be speaking in my mission in April.  So no big deal….I'll just get to shake hands with an apostle but it's fine I'm not freaking out. :)

For the spiritual thought of the day I'm going to send a shout out to the moms! I have been reading in alma this week (chapter 56) about the two thousand stripling warriors who fought for their families freedom! It talks about how the young men had never fought before but didn't fear the battle or death because they knew if they had faith in the Lord they would be delivered from their enemies or they would die in peace knowing they would be going to live with their Father in Heaven.  And they knew these things because their mothers had taught them so.  So yay for moms and of course for dads also! Hope everyone is doing good!

Love y'all!

Con Mucho amor

Hermana Foster

Beary Bear  from Brooke and Brinlee and a note from Este.

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