Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 9 - Bennett Valley, Santa Rosa

Hola hola,

2 month mark!

So another week has come and gone already which is super crazy. This week has been pretty good I was able to meet and teach a women who is a less active that we have been trying to contact since I got here.  She asked us to come and visit with her when she randomly showed up to church on Sunday. 

Did I mention it has rained all week?
A random number called us and asked us to come teach them about Jesus and it's really rainy. Now it's not as bad as Texas but it can sure rain here and it loves to do so just when we need to be walking around outside.  Therefore this week a blessing has been umbrellas that keep the top half of you dry. All in all a pretty good week.

We have a recent convert named Angel that we teach every week, he is 16 and super awesome. This week he was having a rough time with some things and the young men's president came and gave him a blessing and it was a really powerful blessing (mostly for the others in the room because the blessing was in Spanish).  Even with not understanding everything after the blessing there was a distinct difference in Angel and that was something super cool to see! The priesthood is so powerful, so great, and I am for sure so grateful for it. Prays for him if you get a chance that he can continually feel the spirit.  He can't come to church that often because his dad insists he help him work on Sunday's so him having the spirit is important right now! 

We also continue to teach Mina and Mario who are also recent converts and they are just the best and have a such a great spirit about them.  In their lesson this week we watched two bible videos "to this end I was born" and "my kingdom is not of this world".   They are videos about Christ's life and I loved them so I figured I'd share and you guys can watch if you have an extra minute in your day. (You can find them on

Our 13 year old investigator Sebastian is also doing great and we have a baptism set for the 19th this month and I'm super excited for him!  He's the sweetest and is pumped to get baptized and it's awesome to see!

Anyway things are pretty good so far, it's rained all week.  
  • We've gone to houses to see some members only to find that the members moved out of that house like five years ago
  • I'm slowly very slowly trying to come to terms with killing bugs
  • Just teaching teaching teaching
Spanish is frustrating but I can understand more than I could at the start for sure! I can't wait to be able to talk and get to know people for real here. I love everyone so much but I can't exactly tell them yet, but esta bien it will come when it is supposed to!

Anyway thanks for all your emails and I love you guys! Remember that you can talk to our Heavenly Father about anything and everything at anytime anywhere and that's an amazing thing to take advantage of.

More to come later. Love y'all!

Con amor

Hermana foster

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