Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 5 - CTM

Hola Amigos,

Only one week left in the MTC! WHAT?! I got my flight plans to go to California and I fly out a week from today! 

This week was the same as all weeks mostly but I did sing at the welcome for the new missionaries it was a combination of songs! Mi amiga composed the piece for the piano and I added in the words! It included Come Thou Fount, Army of Heleman, I Know That My Redeemer Lives, and Called to Serve. It was really fun to be singing again I missed it more than I thought! 

This week we had our last lesson with our investigator Hely. She is so sweet and kind and it was muy triste to say goodbye but esta bien we gave her our emails in case she has more questions! It's crazy how much love you can develop for someone you teach in such a short time but again this gave me a piece of what the field is going to be like! Muy muy animada!! It's getting real that I'm finally actually going to California! I am so excited to leave the MTC and start doing things.  I'm really sad to leave my district and the super great friends I have made here but I am ready to go out and get into real missionary mode! 

I'm sure my emails will probably get more entertaining as I enter the mission field. I'm super ready to not sit in a class all day long! 

Anyway not much happened this week more to come as I hit Santa Rosa! I just know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and is ALWAYS there and we can feel of His love for us if we only simply ask and that is such an amazing gift! I love you all so much and your letters continue to make me happy! You all rock and I pray you are all doing amazing! Yo testifico la iglesia es verdadera y jesucristo es nuestras salvador. Just a little Spanish for you all so you know I'm actually accomplishing things ;) Love you all!

Con Amor
Hermana Foster

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