Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 4 - CCM


This week has been fun and it's my last week of spanglish, this week no english is allowed. Not fun!

But anyway my companion and I were able to have a really cool experience while teaching our investigator Mika. We were going to teach him about the atonement and walking in we could tell something was wrong but we started the lesson off good. All the sudden my companion looked at me and was like we are going to teach you about families today instead of what we had planned. Which was terrifying because my friends, we don't know Spanish and are teaching a lesson in Spanish!  It's nice to have some notes to refer to if your investigator is talking and you have NO IDEA what they are saying.

I was startled at first but the spirit reassured me she was doing good so I followed and we ended up talking about Nephi and how his family wasn't perfect but that Nephi always had faith and things worked out okay.  Mika totally started crying and the spirit was so strong. Such a cool experience! 

Also this week our zone set up a basketball bracket and we had a tournament and turns out everyone I'm actually not half bad.  People were quiet surprised but then I jammed my thumb.. now it's swollen and purple but who cares I'm a baller.

We also taught Hely this week and talked about the spirit and she totally felt it during the lesson and it was awesome.  It helped me remember why I am here because this is for sure the hardest thing I have ever done. 

Also it never stops snowing here, todos nieve. 

Sidenote my companion had a mini breakdown during our study time and it is absolutely completely hilarious to watch Elders try and figure out: A. what is happening and B. what they should do. There were literally tears falling from my eyes I was laughing so hard.

For a good 2 hours our district had a conversation about what everyone's spouse is going to be like. And apparently my husband will be brunette and have a soft round face (whatever that means).  At dinner parties or things he will be kinda reserved until the perfect moment when we will say the joke of the night but we will also always be able to look at each other and laugh to ourselves when someone says something inappropriate (that's actually true).

I sang "come thou fount of every blessing" in sacrament meeting this week to my surprise I might add, but esta bien I love that song.  Music brings so much spirit to things.  Honestly I wish I could sing people the lessons and that would bring the spirit real quick and it would be grand! 

Update it's still snowing!

Two weeks till Santa Rosa everyone!!! Crazy crazy! I'll probably be getting my flight plans this week. Super exciting but also nerve racking, I'm excited to see what the field is like! 

Fun story, my companion had to go get a CT scan this week so we got taken off the MTC campus and it was SO weird, everyone I looked at wasn't a missionary. Not gunna lie, it was fantastic to see civilization. But all is good and my companion will be good as well! Priesthood blessings work wonders! 

This week will mark 1 month as a missionary! I love you all and pray you are doing well! If any of you have questions feel free to email me I'm here every Tuesday :) I know this church is true and that Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins so we could return to live with him and that is such a beautiful thing!

Tenemos bueno semana!

Te amo,

Hermana Foster

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