Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 3 - CCM

Hola, hola!

So this week is just another week in the MTC.  Something exciting did happen though! So for practice there are investigators that come to the MTC and we teach them lessons. In the hallway one night this women was walking around and look totally lost so we stopped her to help and get to know her. In Spanish of course because what is English..anyway with our district we totally taught her a simple lesson, answered some of her questions, and prayed with her! 

My District
Then when we were leaving for dinner we saw her again with another guy and me and my companion stopped to talk to them. I was totally able to have a conversation with them and tell them my reasons for going on a mission. My companion said she totally felt the spirit while I was focused on the fact that I could understand some of what he was saying and was speaking back. Super cool!

My teachers are really cool and so caring and have taught me so much it's actually ridiculous! We have an investigator named Hely who is so sweet, speaks super fast Spanish, and is totally interested in the church. The other day we were only supposed to have a 15 min lesson with her and it turned into an hour! 

Side note apparently it's inappropriate for Elders (not allowed to say guys) to high five sisters so me and an Elder in my district named Elder Bigelow have decided that we will just give high 4's instead it's quiet fantastic. My district is so so awesome and make the long classes bearable. Love them so much. It's going to be really really hard and sad to leave them. 

Elder Noble
Hey I saw Niko Noble a ton this week and it was super nice to see a familiar face he left for Argentina yesterday but left me a really nice note about not dying here.

Anyway all the days are pretty similar here it will be nice to get out into the field (Santa Rosa, California). But it's also nice to have so much time to study different things and get to know people here. 

I know this church is so true and I have never been more sure of this. I love my savior and that is why I'm here and I thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and emails they make my week so much better! All is well and it is completely snowy and freezing here but also beautiful. 

Just a thought from a talk by Elder Holland to end: Would Joseph Smith and so many others have endured all the pain, torture, abuse, and sadness, left their wives widowed and their children fatherless for a book they fictitiously made up? I fully believe and testify that they wouldn't have. 

I have 3 more weeks until I head to California! Aqui a apridiendo mas espanol!! 

Love you all so much and hope you are all doing well!

1 comment:

  1. This is just incredible! Lisa and Todd, thank you for giving me the link -- your daughter is on FIRE! My son Kenny and I have added her page to our homeschooling studies ~ he was excited to learn about the "high 4's" and do it with me! 8-) Love you guys, thanks for sacrificing your sweet daughter so she can bless so many others!!
