Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 2 - CCM

Hola coma estas todos!

I'm on my 3rd week here in the CCM and that's so weird! Here the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days! Anyway this week has been pretty good! Um it's totally snowing here and it's freezing but hey it's cool California won't be that way!

My District (Why are the Elders hiding?)
My district and I have found that the MTC is basically an episode of Dora with us as Dora, the map as the scriptures, boots as the holy ghost, backpack as your friends and family carrying you along, and swiper is satan. Super Duper.

I actually am learning so much here it hurts my head. It's hard to write completely in English now I'm so used to writing things in Spanish. Crazy crazy. The Lord definitely blesses those who are learning a new language that's for sure!

We also have 2 more investigators Mika and Hely so that's fun and exciting!

Best companion ever!!!!

Did I mention my companion and I may or may not take naps instead of going to the gym during exercise time....? Its totally allowed so its okay!

I realize more and more each day the large presence of the spirit and it is such a great feeling! Did you know that it's rumored the 2000 stripling warriors actually stand guard around the MTC? 

But I love you all so much and hope you are all fantastic! I will have more time to email in the field so know I'm trying to answer you all and love your emails! 

The MTC is super hard but it is also good so all is well! I testify that this gospel is true and that Joseph Smith was an amazing example and prophet. I know that if you ask with REAL intent God will show you these things are so true!

Love Hermana Bennett
This week we got to see Janice Kapp Perry who wrote a bunch of primary songs and Sisters in Zion speak and that was super amazing and spiritual and also one the of the 12 speak and it's rumored another will be speaking this week! Super cool to see them! They are here training new mission presidents and stuff so it's chill....the prophet is just on the MTC grounds.... :). Well Spanish is Spanish and all is well I love you all so much!!1

Some favorite scriptures from the week:
  • D&C: 122: 9 (my favorite of all time)
  • 2 Nephi: 2: 6-8

Some favorite quotes:
"Salvation isn't easy, it never was, how could we think it would be easy for us when it was never ever easy for him (Jesus Christ)."     -Jeffrey R. Holland

"There are some things you can learn through music that you otherwise wouldn't be able to grasp for a long time."    -Janice Kapp Perry. 

Did I mention that I have the best district ever!

1 comment:

  1. Samantha!!!! I love and miss you. You're already teaching me. Elder Hollands words were much needed today and everyday. Keep up the great work. The work of salvation. The work of Christ. xoxoxo
