Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 69 - Stony Point

Buenas tardes!! 

Here we are at Monday again! I hope you all had a fantastic week. Things here in California are so good. 

We had to clear out our entire kitchen, all of it! Because the coakroach people were coming. We waited forever for that and the guy came and told us he didn't even have to spray but he put little dot things all over that the coakroachs will eat and then die. Peachy right. Yep so he did that and wow the guy knew a lot about coakroaches, like a lot a lot. Did you know that as they grow they shed their skin like snakes?? And they also resort to cannibalism if there isn't enough food. Yep they start from the youngest. So there's that and then we had to move everything back into the kitchen

So just a fun quick note when we woke up this morning we found like 7 dead coakroaches in the kitchen so the little dot poison things are working. Yippee, I have a hatred for those bugs...

We spent part of our planning day cleaning up millions of cockroaches. We took a blanket and planned outside today and it was SO nice. We started in the shade and it was just peachy but then people decided it would be dandy to sit in the sun so we did. First off there's no tan left on my legs at all. Second, I have no understanding to how people can tan, nope can't do it. Let me sit here and wait for myself to sweat. Nope can't do it but we did and ya know it was great I actually got some tan going on so that was great. 

Planning meeting outside!
We were able to visit with some of our investigators this week! First we saw Aura and we had an awesome lesson with her, she's going through some things right now and we were able to share some scriptures with her that she really liked. We even wrote one of them down so she could stick it on her door. It was a testament to the power of the scriptures or Gods words to us.

We can take so much comfort from the promises and blessings in the scriptures. So moral of the story is always read the scriptures they are great.

We also got to see Catalina a couple times this week. She's an investigator that we found at food bank! We contacted her and have been teaching her and she's downright amazing. She's works at the food bank where we do service so we get to see her there every week but we were also able to visit with her at her house.

We talked about the Plan of Salvation or The Plan of Happiness. Wow what a blessing it is to have that knowledge. We can share with everyone everything; Where we came from, who we are and why we are here, and where we will go. Our father in heavens plan is perfect, so perfect and so full of blessings.

Then on Saturday there was a fundraiser for the Boy Scouts to go to camp and Catalina came with her daughter Edith!! She actually showed up before us because we were late and was there when we got there and it was the most exciting thing to see her there. We were able to give her a quick tour of the church as well and the spirit was so strong as we were doing that. 

Speaking of the spirit there was a moment yesterday when we were with a member going through a rough spot and we shared a scripture and sang a hymn with her. Wow the spirit was so strong in that moment, so so strong and it was the greatest to be able to be there and feel that. Feeling the comfort the spirit can give us is one of my favorite things and I was grateful to have been there to feel that. 

Now a quick scripture to end things off:

"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." -Moroni: 7:33

We shared this scripture during the week and it's one that I love, very short but so powerful. If we have faith we have the power to do anything and everything. I love the gospel everyone, so share it with everyone!

Have a great great week!

Hermana Foster

Rebolledo Sisters

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