Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 68 - Stony Point

Qué tal todos? Espero bien.

Ok so this week has actually been super crazy here in Santa Rosa. We had transfers so there was moving and then there was the MLC meeting and then they added another Spanish companionship into Santa Rosa, so areas were realigned and we had to figure out all that jazz and then there was district meeting and then all of a sudden it was Monday again.

So it's been busy unfortunately there aren't any cool stories about investigators or finding this week but I'm excited to get to know the people in this part of Rosa! We have some pretty cool investigators. A majority of our area was given to other missionaries so there will be a lot of finding being done for Hermana Jimenez and I so lots of prayers we can find those that are prepared to be baptized!!

Let's see I did drink bugs this week... yep I did. A member has these bugs she brought back from Mexico with her and apparently if you drink them live they go into your stomach and go to areas that are infected or sick or something and they explode there and it heals whatever is going on. I don't remember what the heck they are called but the member drinks ten every day because apparently, they are super bien for you. Yea so I had watched other missionaries do it and Hermana Garcia finally convinced me to do it as well. Um let's just say I won't be doing that again anytime soon it's a little alarming when you drink the water with the bugs and then you realize two are crawling around in your mouth still.  I actually flipped the table over in my panic. But it's ok, it's fine now my stomach is just thriving in cleanliness or something. So there's a highlight of the day. 

To end off I'll share one of the things we discussed at MLC! The meeting was really spiritual and we talked about so many good things but I'll just share one of the things that I loved. We talked about the power of music first off. Music is one of the fastest ways to bring the spirit into an atmosphere and we talked about how we could use music more in our missionary work. They shared a quote about how someone can learn a principle ten times faster through music than any other way.

D&C: 25:12 tells us that as we sing we are offering a prayer of the heart. So many blessings can come from the simple songs we sing if we really pay attention to the words we are saying and the spirit it brings.

We also talked about the importance of goals. I was really touched by this section and how goals are what keep us motivated and going. When we make goals we should pray to know what we can accomplish because the Lord knows all.

And then once they are set we can begin in the plans of how we are going to accomplish our goals. As we plan we are showing that we truly do want to achieve these goals and as we go through with our plans we should always involve the Lord and tell him how things are going because he surely wants to help us achieve our goals but we have to ask for his help.

A missionary shared an experience about how he fasted to know how many people in the next month would be ready for baptize and the answer he received was 8. So they made plans to just work and got tracting and find people in hopes to find those 8 people. He then showed a picture of a family a whole family that lived in one house they knocked. And by the end of that month all 8 of them had been baptized. So the Lord knows our desires and goals and as we ask for his help and really plan how we are going to achieve the things we are inspired to do miracles will happen! 

During this meeting there was such a range of emotions that goes through my head at a meeting like that filled with the spirit. Trying to balance thinking of what those in the zone need and thinking about all you can do to improve. There were powerful testimonies born by President and Sister Wright and some missionaries. And during these the spirit was so strong and I was just thinking to myself about what my mission has been and who I've become. How I've changed and what the gospel is now for me. Sometimes it's hard to see the change in myself because I see it from my eyes but I know that there's been a change in me over this year and a half.

Love you all and hope this upcoming week is just great! There's nothing better than the gospel and the peace it brings! I was reminded of a phrase this week my grandpa would use which is "No Empty Chairs". There's no empty chairs in the gospel. Every chair was filled at one point and now it's our job to make sure they can all be filled again. So go and share your testimony with someone this week! Everyone deserves to hear your testimony!

Que le vía bien y disfruten su semana! 
Con amor,

Hermana Foster

New Companion from Porto Rico, Hermana Jimenez

The District in Bennett Valley before the transfer

Hermana Jimenez

Sister Leaders and old Friends

The Zone Leaders

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