Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 63 - Bennett Valley

¡Ahh qué tal mis amigos! 

This week things just keep moving! We are just trying to get to know the area right now. It's been really fun getting to know the area again and to be with Hermana Garcia and Hermana Broyles. I love them, it is another transition to be in a trio again haha but it's going good.

The Trio - Broyles, Foster, Garcia
We did have a service helping a family throw out stuff from their old chicken coops that were covered in poop. And afterwards they told us that we should probably not walk into our houses with our clothes or shoes on because where we had been working is where bed bugs form, so that was just fantastic. 

Be we did have a really awesome lesson with a seventeen-year old girl named Gigi. She is the daughter of a less active and wanted to know more about the church. So we went and we taught her the restoration. And ya know seventeen year olds now are really smart because I was thinking who knows where I was when I was seventeen, definitely not on top of things enough to want to learn more about a church, but Gigi just listened to the whole restoration and said she was really into it. She said that her mom and grandma had been in the church for so long. But they hadn't ever explained the whole thing. The lesson was so good and then at the end we asked her to pray, it took some convincing because she was nervous to do it in front of us but we explained it's just the feelings of her heart and waited for her to pray. It took some time but she finally did and my testimony of the power of prayer was strengthened so much.

When we pray we talk with our father in heaven and he hears all of those prayers and he definitely heard Gigi's. It was the simplest prayer that wasn't very formal but it was one that was so heartfelt. In the middle of the prayer as we all listened Gigi just started crying. She ended the prayer and was so confused as to why she was crying and apologized and we all almost lost it trying to tell her to not be sorry because that's the Lord telling her He is there and with her. The spirit was so strong and it was just a really cool moment. I was grateful to have been there to feel of the spirit and to see how much a simple prayer can touch someone's life. 

To end off I'll give a scripture that I love and I'll leave you to go look it up. :) 1 nephi: 21:16. I have such a strong testimony of the love Christ and our father in heaven how for is and how we can't even begin to comprehend it. Christ loves us enough to die for us and his love is demonstrated by the marks in his palms and wrists.

I love you all and hope you have a super bien semana. Till next week!

Que le vía bien,

Hermana Foster

Birthday Party

Hermana Soba

After a training session

Painted wall in Santa Rosa

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