Friday, August 19, 2016

Week 32 - Woodland

Querido todos

Lo siento for the late email! We went to the temple this week, today so our pday is on Friday instead of Monday! We went to the Sacramento temple and it was so amazing and great!! The temple is for sure one of my favorite places to be.

Wow this week has been crazy. Tuesday we were at the mission office all day as we waited for the new missionaries to come in! We actually went a visited a member in Santa Rosa who was super nice and took us to lunch! Then we were trained on how to train and then the training began.

My companion is Hermana Dorny!! She is super super great. Very willing to do things and her Spanish is super good for just coming out of the MTC. So very exciting it's been really great getting to know her! On Wednesday our area book still hadn't transferred over on our iPads so it was a strange day. We did meet with the branch president though and found out about the branch and things that had been going on, so that was nice and gave us more of a feel for the area. That night we had dinner and it was purely Mexican food and it was the most fantastic thing ever.

So overall a strange day because we have no idea where anything is or who anyone is. But luckily that night the area book had switched over and we were able to get a sorta schedule and can look up people and addresses. It was a very good couple days but a very stressful couple of days.

I dropped my blanket off with Bambi because it has some holes in it and she said that she would fix them! That we ran out of time to go get it so I had to go a night without my blanket. It was the strangest thing ever and I never want to do it again so there's that!  (I couldn’t resist even though Sam will not be happy that I decided to share from her family letter to everyone in the world that she carries around her baby blanket, she is almost 20!)

I love Hermana Dorny so much, it's very cool to be able to share some things I've learned to try and help someone else! But seriously Hermana Dorny is so so amazing and has greenie fire like no other and I think is teaching me more than I am teaching her!

It's been a crazy week trying to meet everyone and get to know the town but it has been fun, stressful, but fun! The people are very very nice and it's definitely a bigger place than Sonoma so that's fantastic, there is even a target. It is quite a bit hotter here but hey Texas heat has it beat so I will count my blessings! There is a lot of less active work to do in this area. Hermana Dorny and I are excited to try and work with them and help them get back to church.  The people we have meet so far have been great so great and fun! There are so many people that just need that push to come back and that's very evident here.

It's so important to never give up on anyone because all who have been baptized have felt the sprit at some point so we have to help them feel that again! And they are all so nice and very willing to meet with us. So a bit stressful but really fun to be able to just go through all the names we have in area book. The ward and people here are super super awesome and I already love them all so much!

I realized this week how accustomed I've become to Mexican food, we had mole this week and it was quite strange for Herman Dorny but it was very normal for me. :)

Interesting side note we eat with the same member every Thursday night and we call him happy hot dog, he calls himself this as well. He loves hot dogs I guess we eat them every week so yea and he has a weiner dog so even better.

We do have an investigator named Laura who just had a baby who is super awesome and has a baptismal date for this upcoming Saturday! It's so exciting we talked to her last night and she said that she is all a go for it. We have family home evening with her family each Monday and they are so so fun and cute! So we are very excited for her baptism Saturday!

The temple today was absolutely amazing and gorgeous!! The temple could be my favorite place! Hope you all had a good week!! Love you!

Con amor

Hermana Foster

Good byes are hard thanks for being so great Sonoma!!!!!

Sister Xochlit

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