Monday, July 25, 2016

Week 29 - Sonoma Valley

¡Hola hola!

What a week. Tuesday was a really good day. It was filled with many lessons. I realized more about how the spirit testifies of things that are true to us. The spirit also led my companion and I to the exact video that our investigator Leo needed. We had a lesson with Javier and Leo and it was so awesome. Lessons with them are always crazy, we always start talking about one thing and they start asking questions about other things so there are always many topic discussed. Anyway we watched the Mormon message "the hope of gods light" if you haven't seen it I encourage you all to watch it, it is super powerful! But we watched that and we were really able to talk about how important faith. At the end of the lesson Javier committed to be baptized on August 2 and Leo said that he would think about it this week. We tried to get Javier to say a closing prayer because he never prayers for us. There was a blessing in disguise when we couldn't get him to, Leo ended up saying the closing prayer. It was a very powerful prayer, the spirit was very much there. He thanked Heavenly Father for bringing him the missionaries and asked for his help in forgiving himself. We all felt the spirit and he happiness that Hermana Garcia and I felt after the lesson was so amazing. It was so so happy to see our investigators feeling the spirit!

This week our district also did a fast for all our investigators and we were encouraged to check on our accounts!! We did visit Thelma Saturday night to try and see if
she wanted to come to church. The spirit was very much with us and led us to the things that we should say. We talked about how we want her to come to church but that Christ does even more. It was a good lesson and we got her thinking, we think she really wants to come to church but she has some inner conflict about it. Basically Satan is working really hard on her, so we pray pray pray that she will find her way! The lords time is perfect so it will all work out!! She wasn't able to come to church but called us Sunday morning and talked to us about why she couldn't. We visited her that night and she had been very upset that some things at home kept her from coming. She was thankful that we came and asked for a new baptismal date so we set one for her on August 2nd as well! We love her so much, prayers this week their she will come to church! We also started reading the bible as a companionship. We figured so many of our investigators know it so well so we really should get more acquainted with it, but reading about Christ is the best!! I absolutely love it, he really does give us the perfect example in everything.

There are times as a missionary that you feel down and you feel you aren't accomplishing much. Someone made a comment about praying for revelation about how to pick back up if you are feeling down and I had been praying for that during some of my prayers. While I was saying my nightly prayer I started to pray for this again and for other things I ask for help with and just stopped. All I thought was this isn't about me and so I prayed for every investigator and potential and less active that I could remember and felt that the way to not be down is to care more about them. Focus on them and love them. I then think I had an impression and a Mormon message came to my mind it's called "The Hope of Gods Light" you should go watch it it's incredibly good. I found it after I laid down and started watching it.

I thought oh maybe I'm supposed to remember this for a lesson or something and I about turned it off but something kept me watching even though I had already seen it. I watched and it got near the end and I just got the feeling that I am here to help people I am the person that some people somewhere need and I am here doing that. It wasn't anything big in fact I didn't notice it until after I thought
about it all, but it was just a small little answer and blessing Heavenly Father gave me today so I thought I'd share. :)

During my studies this week I read a lot about Christ! I can't fully comprehend the love he has for us but it hit me this week that he must have so so much love for us. He suffered for every single one of us and he didn't ever judge. He has eternal hope that we will come to him. Before his suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross he didn't look at individuals and gauge whether he thought they would change or not he just felt immense love for each of us and suffered everything that we ever will. I think that is just amazing. I also read about how if we come unto him he will forever be our advocate and protector, this is so powerful, we have the creator of the world on our side so we really have no need to fear the things of man as long as we are keeping the commandments!! I testify that He is our Savior and that he died for us, but that He lives today! How powerful is that?? :) This week I challenge you all to study a little bit about Christ and his characteristics and teachings!! Take something that he taught and try to work on it!! This is something I try to do everyday. I just love this gospel!

I love you all so much and hope you know how grateful I am for you and your prayers!

Have another amazing week!

Les quiero,

Hermana Foster

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