Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 21 - Sonoma Valley

Hola todos!!!

This week was good! I feel like I say that in every email but oh well it was! Monday was a good pday we went to the Mexican market and watched meet the Mormons! We also visited with a member named Xochilt who is just the best and I even got to teach the restoration for the third time!!!! It was awesome I hope we find a lot of people to teach this transfer so I can learn more about that. The first vision has so much power to it!

On Tuesday we ended up finding more people to teach we had some random lessons and I got to teach the restoration multiple times that day as well!! Super cool. Tuesday was kind of a hard day for me and the Lords hand is in our lives I can testify of that for sure. When I look back I can see him holding me up that day and can see the things that he placed in the day to make it better! He's always watching out for us and is always always there even if we don't realize it at first.

Wednesday we did service! We mulched a park it was just grand. It wasn't too hot and there was shade so it was good!  I caught a huge lizard, it was fantastic.  One of the sisters started screaming and called it a snake but um snakes don't have legs so I picked it up. I got to know a new sister in our zone who majored in piano performance at BYUI before she came out! We had some of the same teachers it was super cool!!

We also went on exchanges this week, Hermana Garcia and I went with Hermana Lewis and it was super fun! We tracted and taught an interesting family that wasn't exactly what I would call open to the message but it was fun and Hispanics are always so nice they gave us a parting soda as we left. We also did a bunch of service this week and helped mulch a huge park! That was fun and the weather was pretty nice! At least for me some people said it was hot and I was like umm it's like 80 degrees with a breeze and no humidity this is fantastic. :) And we had a lesson with one of my favorite families! The Moreno family they are so amazing and it makes me so happy when they come to church!! We had a good lesson with them and Hermano Moreno said that closing prayer, it took some convincing but he did, and I think it was something powerful for him and his wife.

Friday we had to get an oil change so we had to drive a ways to Napa. Turns out there is a thing called bottle rock here, not quite sure what it is. But it created quite the line of traffic. We sat in it for a good hour and a half at least it was the greatest missionary work ever. And then when we were leaving to go back home one of the workers at the tire place gave my companion his number, it was awesome. He was way older than her. :) But we did get some tracting in that day and a lesson so all was well!

Sunday our investigator Anthony came to sacrament meeting and also an inactive we visit every week named Maria!! It was so great to see her there. I've seen her since I've been in Sonoma and she has made a lot of progress, slowly but surely! A testament that you truly can never give up on ANYONE!! We also lost our phone twice that day and it made for stressful situations but all worked out.

I started the Book of Mormon again this week too! I'm going through and looking for all the instances where someone has a change of heart. And let me tell you I don't think there is a page that is left blank! It's amazing to read looking for one specific thing the spirit really guides you to see the instances and helps you learn the things you need to know!

One of the first things I noticed was that Laman and Lemuel complained because they were confused as to why they had to leave Jerusalem and it dawned on me that maybe Nephi was confused too. It says that he was troubled but instead of complaining he went and asked the Lord to help him understand and the Lord blessed him and changed his heart. It is important to notice that the change of heart didn't come until AFTER Nephi acted and asked.

So I challenge you all to pick one thing you want to go through the Book of Mormon for and do it! You will be amazed! What an amazing powerful book we have and what a blessing the spirit and revelation are for us!

I love you all dearly and hope your week was good!!! If there's anything I can do for you let me know!! Have a great great week this week!!! Que le vía bien.

Con muchisimo amor

Hermana Foster

Little Sister Missionaries

What else do you do when you are to tired to think straight?  Put on mustaches and pose!

Sonoma Zone

Have I mentioned my obsession with Star Wars?

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