Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 14 - Sonoma Valley

Hola todos!

Goodbye to Hermana Burton

On Monday before transfers I got to say bye to the Niñas and Angel. It was sad to say goodbye to them but Fani gave me her stuffed flamingo and told me it was so I would always remember her! It was ridiculously cute! I also got to see my beloved MTC comp Hermana Bennett and it was the best thing in the entire world and made my entire year!!! I love her so much!!! :)

Hello to Hermana Gudmundson
Tuesday was transfers! Man was this day stressful moving and new companions, I was EXHAUSTED by the end. Anyway my new companion is Hermana Gudmundson! She is super awesome I can already tell she is a hard worker! I think we are going to get a ton done this transfer and I'm excited to get to know her more! She's kinda quiet but can be super funny! I do miss Hermana Burton though! Ahh she's so great and it's definitely hard moving and switching everything but hey that's how it goes! It's also the greatest when you talk to people in English and they try to pull the whole I don't speak English thing so then you switch to Spanish, and they look at you like dang it and then have to talk to you.

Wednesday and Saturday we did service! We do service at this huge garden place! We weeded around trees for like two hours and it was super sweaty and just grand. We did get a free bag of sun chips though so worth it.

Small Vineyard
The vineyards here are crazy too they are EVERYWHERE! You can't go down a street without seeing a little one but when you're on the freeway there are vineyards for days, all over. I think I've seen more grapes here than I have in my 19 years of living combined.

My apartment now is a place that comes off of a members house! Brother and sister Newmen. They are probably the sweetest people ever. Sister Newmen says we must call her Momma Newmen and that we are never to go hungry, if we need a sandwich at 2 in the morning we are commanded to knock on her door. They are the best and I bet have lived somewhere in the south they remind me of Texas so much!

Thursday was a super adventurous day! We tracked for probably three to four hours in total, helped some hilarious less actives.  We brought one, upon request, a strawberry shake, taught four lessons, meet a very creepy shirtless man, and looked for a good half an hour for an address that I don't think exists! It was a BUSY day but was pretty fun!

I've decided that I've never slept so soundly in my life. Early morning seminary has nothing on waking up each day in the mission. It’s pretty much like I'm dead for like 7 hours when I sleep. It's fantastic.

But this week has been good! All the general conference talks have been released in writing ane I'm reading through them all. If you didn't get a chance to see them I would definitely encourage reading them!! They are so awesome and have so much good guidance for our lives!! Especially our prophet Thomas S. Monson’s address titled Decisions!!

The missionary work is going great the people in Sonama are so nice! We are working on finding more people right now to increase our teaching pool. We have been able to show the Easter video to so many people. I love meeting the new people everywhere and talking to them and most of them are super patient and respectful with my Spanish.  There was only one person who laughed at it so that's good!! We have two progressing investigators right now named Anthony and Blanca who are super awesome and a couple new investigators!!

The mission is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done but it is amazing! I've learned SO much about myself and of course the gospel! The Book of Mormon is the best and I've come to love it more than I thought I could, I know that it is the word of God!! I'm learning that we can rely on Christ’s Atonement ALWAYS, I've learned how to completely lean on Him and His sacrifice when it gets rough because he knows EXACTLY how I'm feeling. Anyway some little tidbits there. I hope you all had a fantastic week!! I love y'all!!

Con amor,
Hermana Foster

Cute little studying desk
No Air Conditioning!!!  Sam likes her room like
an igloo so this fan is her best friend!

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