Monday, June 5, 2017

Week 74 - Stony Point

Hello everyone! Here we are again. 

Transfers happened this week so my new companion is Hermana Latimer and let me just try to tell you how much I love her... hmmm I can't because I love her too much.

Hermana Latimer
She is so amazing, so funny and happy and just excited to be a missionary and work. There's definitely nobody else I would want to be my last companion. We already have talked and laughed so much and it's just so great! We have set some pretty good goals for this transfer, we want to contact or talk to at least 400 people so we will be working hard.

We definitely did this week, we passed out super good every night. We have a companionship phrase from a teacher we both had in the MTC actually and it's "Hoy es el Día" or "today is the day" because you never lived a day like today and you'll never live it again, so you better live it good. 

About this week, we have a lot of finding to do a lot a lot more than I've seen on my mission but it's so good! Talking to people is really really fun and probably the best. Sometimes Satan is good at making it hard to start tracting or talking with people but once you start there isn't anything else you want to do.

We went to a noche de hogar (family home evening)! We watched a video called the three witnesses haha wow it was ancient but really good. It was about the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon and their story. It was really cool actually and I learned a lot of new things.

I didn't know that they all at one point were not active in the church, they had fallen away. But it was cool to see how they all returned and never ever denied what had happened. Never.

Oliver cowdry I think it was, was actually inactive and a lawyer and at one of his cases the other lawyer used the Book of Mormon against him saying it was a fraud. The council argued that it was quite possible that he was not the Oliver Cowdry that signed the Book because he was well known and respected.

At this point he had a choice, he could have denied but he got up picked up the Book and bore powerful testimony of all that had happened and of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and later it showed that it was that moment, that prompted him to return to activity. It made me think about how the little things matter. The three people who saw the plates that actually saw and touched them fell away from the church. We must must must build up our foundation on Christ and then keep building it every day to keep it there.

We saw a women from India and she was walking away as we tried to contact her but Hermana Latimer in her amazingness just walked right along with her and we went with her to the laundry room. We found out she only had six months in the US so her English was very little but we still got to know a little bit about her. She had her two little kids with her and we said goodbye after giving her our number and we started leaving but she stopped us by saying picture picture picture.

She wanted a picture with us! So we took a selfie with her and then we took a picture with her two kids it was the cutest thing. We talked in the car later about how we imagine one day she will meet missionaries who know her language or she will have learned English and will remember that one random time and will then talk to them!

And then a miracle from the week as we walked to another section of the complex we were tracting to finish up our time. Not a whole lot of people were answering but we just kept going and talking to everyone we could. So we walked to the last two doors we were going to knock and a women is walking upstairs to her apartment. We both recognize immediately that she is the one potential in the complex that we had record of and I remembered that her name was Margarita. So el Espíritu Santo completely stepped in and from underneath her door where we were standing I just called out to her and was like hellllllooo what's up but not really I just asked how she was. She was caught off guard for sure but started talking to us, we asked if we could share a video and she agreed. So we walked upstairs to meet her and share a video.

She began watching the video and then in the middle of it looked at us and asked what church we were from and where it was at. She didn't even let the video finish and told us that actually she would really like to go to church that she had been feeling there was something lacking and that she had actually already seen the video from two elders that had shown it to her. I've never seen someone with more intention to go to church on my mission than that moment with her.

We also just called out to her by name because we had record of her in our notes but at the end she finally asked us how did you even know my name and we explained. But what a miracle! That we had switched parts of the complex we were in and that we were at her section right when she was walking home, and that we remembered her name, and that the spirit was there to help us be bold enough to just call out to her, which resulted in one of the coolest conversations on my mission.

At the end we gave her a card with all the info and gave hugs before leaving. So ya know we were in that apartment complex for about a good almost 2 hours but we had determined to talk to everyone and knew there was someone there that needed us and where did we find her? On the last two doors that we knocked.

Yea so there's some stories from this week! Love you all!!!


Hermana Foster

Hermana's after a meeting

More Hermanas

Hermana Thurgood and Sam started their missions together and will end it together!  Good
friends that have never  been assigned close to each other until now at the very end.

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