Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 71 - Stony Point

Querido todooooooos! 

So for this week we have some stories. :) 

We had an awesome pday, we went to the beach and it was so peaceful and nice. It was actually kind of chilly which made it even better. We played some ultimate frisbee and the elders buried each other in the sand and I just took some time by myself on the beach. I walked over to my own little spot and just sat thinking and sitting in quiet. That was so peaceful, there's a very cool spirit to be felt as we ponder by ourselves in Christ's      creations. So the beach was very good

We extended a baptismal date for Catalina, our investigator that as contacted at a service we do, for June 4. And she accepted!! She told us that she still wanted to understand more about the church and read more of the Book of Mormon but said that she does want to be baptized! SO exciting!

In the next lesson we want to talk about how we don't have to know everything to be baptized we just have to have a desire to follow Christ with everything we've got. Ahh she's so great. She understands the beauty and importance of baptism more than anyone I've meet on my mission. She made a comparison that it's almost like marriage. We are promising at baptism to always dedicate our life to someone else (Christ) for the rest of time and I loved that, it's very true and what a great promise to make.

So that was an awesome lesson, she still does need to come to church on Sundays though for the baptism to go through. But she is progressing so much and continues to invite us over all the time so we are so excited! And ok ready for another cool story? 

Gods plan is SO perfect for everyone that's it’s ridiculous. After dinner one day we didn't have anything scheduled so it was time for finding, we began looking at address and going to try and find people. We tried quite a few houses and nobody at all was home, haha story of a missionary. But it hit about 8:30 and we still were just looking for people so we found an address of a potential investigator we could go and try but found again that nobody was home. So we got back into our car at 8:33 and ya know we could have just called it good and gone in for the night.

We had already tried some people but we both started searching for the next person we could go see. As we sat a car pulled up to the house we had just tried and parked. We just kinda of sat in the awkwardness because we had just knocked on the door of the empty house. The person happened to walk out to check his mail and we recognized immediately that he was English speaking haha so not the potential we had been looking for. But here comes the crazy part, he actually walked over to our car and we rolled down our window and we started talking. He told us he had never seen such beautiful Elders haha but as we continued we found that he was actually a member of the church but that he hadn't been going for quite some time. He was so surprised to see us and said that we were just what he had needed and he thanked us for being at his house and waiting for him to get home because he had been at a friend’s house but had left early.

So to him we had been waiting there for him to get home when in reality we had just been trying to figure out what to do next and God worked his magic and put his plan into place for us to be where we needed to be. We were at the exact place (a potentials house that ended up being a English member) at the exact hour (the hour where we would be sitting in our car as he came home so he could see us "waiting for him" or he could see God telling him that he's looking out for him.) So that made for a really great night. Wow our Heavenly Father loves us so much SO much and he will make everything work perfectly for us to know he is there. We were just servants in his hands, we didn't do anything miraculous or super special we were just being missionary and trying what addresses we could find. It goes to show that the Lord will guide us in all ways whether we realize or not as long as we are worthy to have him with us. 

But yea that's all I've got for this week! It was probably the greatest thing in the entire universe to talk with my family yesterday. They're pretty great, it was awesome to get to talk to them. The gospel is true and great! Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! Love you all!!! 

Con solo un poco de amor,

Hermana Foster 

Hermana Jimenez desk decorated for her Birthday.

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