Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 51 - San Rafael

FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!!

This week was a blast, don't think it was laid back because it was Christmas we were still pretty busy. We started exchanges for this transfer and I got to be with Sister Nelson! She is SO awesome, she will go home one transfer before me and is the funniest person ever. We had some of the best conversations about the spirit and missionary work. She taught me a lot of good points about always staying motivated, that the Lord gives us so much so this time we are giving really isn't that much in comparison so we need to soak up every second. We had some fun finding. Some doors were slammed but hey that makes things interesting. 

We also had a Christmas party with three other zones and president and sister wright in Santa Rosa this week. We got to watch the cartoon how the grinch stole Christmas and talked about how that relates to us as missionaries. This actually was a slower week because many people were gone for the holidays or busy with things. We were guided but the spirit to where to be when trying to carol on Christmas Eve. We went to downtown San Raf and Katie our investigator walked out of the Cold Stone nearby so we were able to really talk with her and it was so great. I'm ready to really get back into working this week especially with this Christmas spirit around.

To end off I wanted to talk about the spiritual message sister wright shared with us at the Christmas party. She gave us each a pinecone from the redwood oak trees here. Surprisingly their acorns are super tiny probably not bigger than the tip of one of my fingers. She gave us each one and in a little ball and talked about how great things come from the small and simple. These huge trees are grown from a tiny seed that rests in tiny tiny pinecones. It takes time and growth but they become so much bigger than anything around them. We can also compare to this Christ who was born into such simple circumstances and was raised as a simple carpenter. Who became the prince of peace the One we celebrate this season because he made EVERYTHING possible for us.

My testimony for Christ has exploded on my mission all we do and can accomplish is thanks to him so continue to remember him as we end this Christmas season. I testify that he lives, that he loves each one of us, and that he atoned for everything that will pass in this life. We can be clean through him and we can find eternal happiness only through him.

I love you and this gospel have a great week and hug your families, the greatest gift I could ever ask for was to see and hear my family and the little moment I had to talk to them was filled with the cheer of the season. It's a blessing that families can be together through this gospel. Love you all!! Feliz Navidad y pasan un buen tiempo con un Año Nuevo.

Les quiero

Hermana Foster

Christmas morning

Zone after white elephant gift exchange!

Hermana Soba



Chavez Family

Woodland Squad

FaceTime with family

FaceTiming with her cousins

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